Sunday, 18 May 2008

Ear Candy

Reluctantly having to move into the 21st Century, I bought an i-pod yesterday. How I've ever done without one for so long is anyones' guess. I fell upon a forgotten gem in my music collection and it's getting played to death, Wire - Mannequin (first song on this - sorry couldn't find any videos)


  1. Great Track Joanne.I dont have an i-pod i the last ne standing?:)

  2. Tony, I would highly recommend getting one, there's a lot more to them than I thought. (Yes you are the only person in the world without one :-D)

  3. I had one Sony- only one G. I gave it to a friend for a present- she said she needed it more that I.

  4. Reg 80gb, though I have 70gb used up on music, didn't leave myself much room for video and photos.

  5. MM, I had a 4gb £20 one out of Tesco, it lasted one week (the Wire song was the last one it played before it bust) When I went to replace it, they were out of them so I thought what the hell, go for a good one. I won't be able to afford food for a week or two but sure, I could do with going on a diet. :-)

  6. Wow..yes been along while since I've heard this one.. .Tell me somthing... is an I-pod easy to get around or am I best to leave it to the younger generation as I have resigned myself into doing?

    It just looks so much time needed to down loading and I kept to buying C.ds for nowx x..

  7. Chazza, it's easy enough managed, the controls are pretty basic. Downloading doesn't take long, 10 or 20 mins for an album if you have a fast connection. The i-pod found all the music on my pc for me, it's foolproof!

  8. holy mother - 80 - girl that's a computer you have.
    In this tourist town I've not come upon one bigger than 30 or maybe 40I'm not sure.

  9. Reg, I saw 160gb but I wasn't prepared to shell out for it!

  10. I don't have an i-Pod. Although I bought one for my wife.

    Now you just need to get an O-my-bod to be the consummate 21st century woman...


  11. Deadman...where can I purchase an oh-my-bod and how much?

  12. Thanks for that...I may just give it a whirl..x x

  13. My mobile plays music tracks and does lots of other stuff too so I'll decline the iPod madness as it's something else to carry around. I really liked the "In Vitrio" / "Eardrum Buzz" period from Wire, but earlier stuff is good too.
