Face-Melting Nuclear Apocalypse Cartoon

This short animated film is Peter and Joan Foldes' second and last film together. Its bleak subject - the end of the world caused by a nuclear apocalypse - reflects a widespread preoccupation in 50s Britain which would soon lead to the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND).

Grand Designs - Yes

Featuring sampling from the video below

Tiny Royal Antelope

This tiny Royal Ante­lope calf was born at the San Diego Zoo on Feb­ru­ary 8th, weigh­ing just 17 ounces. The small­est of the antelopes, these crea­tures only mea­sure 10–12 inches high and 9–10 pounds when fully grown. via

Sepia Saturday

Idea blatently stolen from Tony Zimnoch's blog

Tony has a new Hebden Bridge blog going on, too many blogs, not enough time, eh Tony?


...The fear that somewhere, somehow, a duck is watching you.

(Gary Larson reference)