Friday, 1 May 2009

Susan Boyle Makeover


  1. chazza said: ah bless!. . .

    Going back and lookin' at Historys 'Greatest' evers. Talent has always been bless'd on what 'society' do not determin (conforms) to beauty and perfection.
    Ie. .Einstein did they tell him to 'brush that hair' lol xxx

  2. Instant improvement. That's a picture she can use for the cover artwork when she releases her own version of The Damned's "Neat Neat Neat".

  3. Chazza, it's a shame she's getting so much stick just for looking ordinary.

    Isti, that would be interesting, maybe she'll name it "Neep neep neeps (and tatties)"

    Smout, I'm so glad you covered them up, they were disturbing me something serious.

  4. chazza said: As that saying goes. . Money talks (g8if she makes out of. ). Bullshit/ers walk. . (the critics . .wise ass's) xxx these people cant have mirrors in their houses or cant bare lookin at the bare bones beneath them
