Saturday 23 October 2010

You're All Going To Hell For Laughing At This


  1. I've just seen a fat girl falling about like that in town (6:30 on a Saturday morning), but she was suffering from too much clubbing and vodka Red Bull. Less to admire than those brave spirits in the film.

  2. Wow, I didn't laugh at all.

  3. No laugh from me, I'm filled with respect for their will-power, but no respect for whatever it is in them that tells them to do something like this which has no real value whatsoever.
    Why do humans persist in forcing their bodies to continue in the face of pain and exhaustion?

  4. Well Joanne, I guess it'll be just you and me...IN HELL! Bwahahahaha!

  5. Loved the music - then I realized that they WERE in slow motion... Oh hang on, no they weren't... Make room in hell you guys.

  6. Sorry to ruin the joke, but this looks like water intoxication -- a dangerous drop in sodium levels triggered by drinking too much water during heavy physical activity. This can be fatal in acute cases.

  7. OMG! nope, not laughing at all...NOT! i'll see you in hell!

  8. No humor here. Those people have more willpower than I ever will.

  9. Hope it's for some charity, or bit of a waste of time.
