Saturday, 20 November 2010

Liam Gallagher Predicts 9/11


  1. still : met him once (just once) and he was a nice bloke. period.

  2. Oh, well at least Peter liked him...:-)

  3. oh noes : i do like their
    sorry - DID like their music (i'm talking 2000 when we "met")

    if if if i would have had the money, they would have been the band to play on my wedding. instead it was a creepy, very very drunk & childish dj

  4. I liked them too, in fact I went to see them in 1994 (for £6.75 might I add). Squeezed my way up to the front and spat on one of them...Well I was going through my punk phase.

    Peter, hope you have a video of the wedding DJ to laugh about it.

  5. :-))
    no, i'm still married, 'll have to do with that...

    (and the first 2 times i saw 'em, 't was for free for me, 1 was tix sort of present -concert was sold out, friend who works for conc organis could not sell me anymore, so gave me 2 "guests"tix- , 2nd was working & where i met & spoke with 'em)

    last time saw 'em was last year, month before they split up - was working again, did not speak to 'em, but looked them both in the eys - oooooh....

    (oh, and i saw the magical Joe Jackson spit in & at his audience, but what dark ages that where...)


  6. I didn't mean have a laugh at the wedding Peter, just the DJ :-D

    Now that would be a perfect job, getting to meet stars and that.

    Joe Jackson, nice one!

  7. well.... coldplay still talk about "me" in some interviews. beginning of their "being famous"-ness, they once did a signing session which completely went wrong - almost no one showed up & the few thought they were with Henry Rollins (who was signing later on in the afternoon)

    i was the stupid guy ruining it for 'em

    (though : each time Chris Martin sees me, he always asks the same thing : "we've met before, haven't we")

    i'm indeed the guy responsible for the sign sess and meet & greets on festivals in belgium, but hey : someone has got to do the dirty work, of course


  8. Peter, What a great job, rubbing shoulders with the stars. Hope you told Chris Martin to cheer up ;-)

  9. on the other hand : not so fantastic job at all - ok, you get to meet "everyone", but hey : what does one say to them ???? i've learned to "shut" it
    though, a nice handshake from Bowie or Neil Young, a kind "hello" from m Stipe or robbie, Brian Molko or mat Bellamy - you get to see & meet 'em all, but head rule remains : leave these people alone, as much as possible - you're not the first that who'd "oooo, i love you so much, i'm yer best fan ever blablabla"

    good friend = Seasick Steve - still got his mobile ph number

    but still : it's a job, and you only keep it if you're correct - done it for 14 years now

    (ow yes : Talvin Singh : ever so nice to meet or have met)

    & oasis : was a meet & gr, and they were very nice before, not that well during, but that's the image too

    (too many stories after all those years)
    (biggest drunks ? Therapy !) (or the dandy warhols - wow... bottles of JD.... f*****ck !)

  10. Seasick Steve, what a character!

    Every time I hear David Bowie's name I think of this...

    Therapy? come from my part of the world, of course they're drunk :-D

  11. ps. I once was standing near Wattie Buchanan from The Exploited but I was scared of him, haha! *cry cry*

  12. don't ever be afraid of 'em : they're normal people like you & me (well, .... i'm not completely normal - up to certain standards)

    only "check" if you're not "interupting" anything, but you'll meet the most ever so nice people. every single one of 'em

    people always ask me the same questions : "what are they, or is such or such like ????????" : answer : as normal as you and me, except they are "gifted" with a talent - my standard answer is always "i like talking to you as much as to any star"

    (patrick watson is one of the finest persons i ever met, nice, sweet, intelligent, interesting AND interested)


  13. of course the warm handshake & very nice "good evening, young man" by david bowie : goosebumps, still after all those years

  14. Bet you don't wash your hands ever again!

  15. :-D
    there are other things, in that case... / story way too long, but way in the beginning i had Live (the band) signing each time, & i got to know their tour manager, a certain Joel - couple of years ago he returned, but as t.m. with Tori Amos.
    she never does anything like signings or m&g's, but as i knew Joel, when they left in the evening i said goodbye to him & as she was right behind him, said literaly to her : "goodbye, my georgeous one"
    got a very sweet kiss.
    should never ever have washed that cheek again.

