Thursday 26 May 2011

Motivational Video Of The Day


  1. Less 'inspirational', more "if you eat meat you're an immoral monster, but we're not going to say that directly - we're just going to imply it".
    I hate animal cruelty as much as the next person, but I object to being called the above just because I enjoy the odd slice of bacon.
    Actually, the hell with that - I'm going to go eat a steak.

  2. Ah well. It motivated me. Each to his own.

  3. So "Anonymous" animal cruelty is wrong? What constitutes animal cruelty then? What's more cruel than taking something's life?

  4. Thanks TMITS, it's too bad if I'm not allowed to post something I find interesting on my own blog. BTW you're on my Blogroll now :-)

  5. I think treating an animal cruelly whilst it's alive is more cruel than taking its life in a humane manner.
    And Joanne - I find your blog very interesting and highly enjoyable. My comment was directed at the creator of the video, not you. Please keep posting the stuff you do :)

  6. Anon, how do you kill something humanely? A little injection and a there there? The people in slaughterhouses aren't animal lovers and don't treat them with any respect. I would recommend watching 'Earthlings'. (Rant over).
