Sunday 8 April 2012

British Government Scum Euthanise 800 War Dogs

The scandal was reported by the Daily Mail after government officials confirmed the figures. Saying that the dogs are too fierce to be retrained as pets, the UK government has been quietly killing them off in droves. Ironically, the dogs survived the dangers of war only to die from the prick of a vet’s needle, and dog lovers worldwide are mourning their loss while demanding answers.


  1. The dogs are expected to be smart enough to train for war, but not smart enough to be given a chance with society? That's crap. The worst thing is that nobody asked.

  2. This is tragic. No dog is beyond hope, just meet mine.

  3. Jess, Those poor dogs weren't given a choice and death is their reward. Fuck war.

    H, I thought of you when I saw it.

  4. Nasty stuff to be sure. Thank's for this head's up. Gizz the Sonographer.

  5. Joanne I think this just really shows the state society is in now: making these dogs literally kill on our behalf and then when they're too much to handle- murdering them. I just can't get over this article. Thanks for posting. Allan

  6. It leaves me raging. Is it out of our control?

  7. The real enemy here is war itself. Why is no one outraged by war?

  8. Ben, war is something I hate with a passion.
