Thursday 17 May 2012

Beetle BBQ


  1. There is a restaurant in Nashville called the White Trash Cafe that has a VW sticking out of the wall. They totally need to do this!

  2. Frankly, i don't believe it. However, I do like them shoulders on the female model you got in the picture. She has a nice neck and perty ears. Am looking forward to more pictures like that in the future. No offense, I'll marry her if she can't do no better. Blessings of the Lord be on ya.

  3. Prof, you should suggest it to em :)

    Anon, she's been left on the shelf but she's not real good at housework and needs use of the internet for at least 5 hours a day :)

  4. that is in Brazil , certainly.........Brazil....zil...zil

  5. My first car was a 1973 Superbeetle. I never thought to make a bbq grill out of her when it was time to let her go.

    Mine looked very similar to this one:

    1. That is a beauty! Apparently I waas rescued by a woman in a Beetle when I was 2. I just walked off and headed down the road...was it you? :D
