Saturday, 18 April 2009


From Phil


  1. Chazza said: Its not the spider that tends to bother me, (can smack it on the head with something. From a child its the webbbbbbbbbbbb eeeeeooooooow. The feel sends me into a silly panick, screaming, dancing around nutter. lol xxx

  2. Spiders usually don't bother me. However, if I ran across one that was making lunch out of a bird, I might change my stance on that.

    Also, the one with the hundreds of baby spiders kinda gave me the chills just a little. I'm think I'd have to head straight to Walmart to pick up some Raid.

  3. Chazza, Dalton, I'm not a big fan, and it doesn't help working in a tile shop with all sort of imported beasties arriving on a weekly basis.

  4. Learn to spell! Go on, I dare you!

  5. I thought it was just me that didn't know some trendy new word, phew.
