Wednesday 12 January 2011

Big Difference

Rye Playland, an amusement park in Westchester New York is where they filmed parts of BIG (late 80′s), the movie starring Tom Hanks. Zoltar the fortune teller has been replaced by a Pepsi vending machine. Drink enough of that and you’ll get BIG too. Below is a scene from the film and how the area looks now.


  1. Always wondered where they filmed this. Looks better in the film.

    When I was in NY, I wanted to visit Coney Island but my hosts refused to take me there because they said it was really shit ! We went up the Hudson valley to Great Barrington Massachusetts instead.

  2. Please credit ScoutingNY for this image:

  3. Keith, it would look better if Tom Hanks was crying in front of it, looking for the Zoltar machine.

    Jeff, I certainly will, nice to find the original post for a change.

  4. ...and yet you see Zoltar showing up at a lot of other venues since Big. Knockoffs.

  5. Kass, true, I've seen a phew phony Zoltars in my time.
