Tuesday 20 November 2012

How Screwed Are You?

Fight the Dalek with a remote control. Meet the Doctor in a dressing gown. Mend the Tardis with a radiator. 


  1. Left: TV remote.

    Right: Lamp.

    Wearing: Black wife beater.

  2. I would have liked it, but the misuse of 'your' just makes me nerd rage all over the wall instead.

    1. Being obsessed with grammar doesn't mean you are a nerd, it means you are obsessed with grammar

    2. TO my left I have a fork laying on top of a hammer (which one do I use), to my right a tool box full of tools, I am wearing a white t-shirt and blue jeans. I think I am screwed but I can try.

    3. Jacob...a box full of tools....no way!

  3. I'm naked, there are earphones to my left but they're plugged in so I don't know if they count, the alternative is a napkin, and to my right there are pieces of paper. I'm screwed.

    1. No that's perfect material for an ineffective parachute

  4. Left: Open jar of peanuts.
    Right: Paperback copy of Terry Pratchett's THUD!
    Wearing: Gray button-down vest, burgundy shirt, dark jeans, and a really huge scarf.

    This sounds like some downright godawful fanfiction.

  5. I will wear a Tshirt and Jeans... nothing special
    But I will fight dthe Darleks with a bag of liquorice-gummybears and reapir the Tardis wirh an usb cable, a watch and several scrunchies... either I am Mac Gyver or pretty screwed.
