Thursday 6 November 2008

Doctor Who Poll


  1. Here's a little flash-gear info that might interest you: at some point, people visiting your site might start getting pop-ups from a place called When they do, that's your cue to delete this quiz. It doesn't seem to be harmful, just annoying.

  2. Oh, is anyone else getting the pop-ups? Coop, do you know of any other polls without pops?

  3. Momo, I'd watch it!

    Coop, yes, Who!

  4. I had a poll from flash-gear on my site in mid-October. About 2 weeks later, I started getting these popups. I mentioned it in a post, and Rusty, bless her heart, did some research and discovered that they came from my Oct. 14 post. I deleted the poll, and the popups disappeared. Simple. So I wouldn't worry, just be aware.

  5. Ahhh Coop, thanks for the warning...if me or anyone gets the porn-pops, we'll delete it!
