Friday 2 July 2010

Quote Of The Day

"As long as there are slaughterhouses, there will be battlefields."
"What I think about vivisection is that if people admit that they have the right to take or endanger the life of living beings for the benefit of many, there will be no limit to their cruelty."
Leo Tolstoy author


  1. "I did not become a vegetarian for my health, I did it for the health of the chickens." -Isaac Bashevis Singer

  2. Michael, I like that one more!

  3. But they taste so good. Let's face it, plants just don't complain or stare at you when you cut them away from their living roots. It's still killing.

  4. I am starting a fight on the internet....*Smack*

  5. Nothing needs to die in order for humans to remain alive and healthy. Numerous vegetables and fruits can be harvested without killing the plant. And "but they taste so good" is a weak argument in defense of torture and murder. But if you're up for it, automobile anti-freeze tastes good, too.

  6. Micael - You may not kill the plants but the harvesting causes them great pain.

  7. Jim- That hasn't quite been proven, but it may very well be true in many cases, though not all (certain cabbages seem to prefer having their leaves plucked; the apple tree doesn't appear to mind when its fruit is picked.)

    It's assumed that all living things have a desire to live. That assumption led me to question my decisions regarding food a long time ago. I don't attempt to shame people into forsaking an animal-based diet, but presenting arguments like "but they taste so good" and "well, plants feel pain, too, so I may as well eat a cheeseburger" in order to relieve guilt simply doesn't cut it .

    Who was the guy who said, "I'm not a vegetarian because I love animals; it's because I hate plants."?

    PS Joanne- you've succeeded!!

  8. Michael - how do your cabbages make their preferences known to you? Spooky!

  9. I like traffic lights "especially" when they are green. (Monty Python)

  10. This has been the most interesting series of comments I've ever had. Bravo!
