Wednesday 25 August 2010

Fatty Puts Catty In The Bin

Nobody can look so much like Rosemary West and not be an evil old c**t.

I would like to proper punch her in the head.

Lola is safe from the looney woman...for now.


  1. That cat spent 15 hours in that garbage can and that crazy bitch (aka Mary Bale) has apparently been tracked down.

    People have made death threats to her via the Internet and she has been offered police protection by them.

    Personally, that pisses me off that if it is not considered an animal cruelty case. Some articles say she won't be prosecuted and some say it's being looked into so I don't know what exactly will happen. I think there is something really messed up with you if you do something like that.

  2. And she says it was a joke and that it shouldn't be a big deal!? I didn't see her laughing. She looked guilty. She obviously knows it's wrong when she looks around to see if anyone is watching before she does it. I honestly think she needs help.

  3. this made the news here in the states! wtf was she thinking? xoxo

  4. that woman is mentally sick and what she did to that harmless cat was shocking. But calling her a fatty isn't extremely smart either. Her weight has nothing to do with her cruel behaviour.

  5. Jasmine, Glad they found out who she was. I think it's drew so much attention that something will be done about it.

    Savannah, amazing how these things circulate so quickly. She looks like Susan Boyle, doesn't she?

    So... it's you, Mary Bale, isn't it? *smack* I've renamed it to make it a bit more light hearted. Hope you like it.

  6. I would punch her in the face as hard as I could.

  7. ...Then throw HER in the back of a bin lorry.

  8. She should certainly be slapped with an animal cruelty charge, but I guess that's not the law where she is. In Texas, depending on the judge, it can be a first degree felony!

  9. BG, that old ho needs to be sent over there!

  10. @ Joanne : I'm not that crazy psycho bitch, but thank you.

    And from the look at your pictures, you're a fatty too, so I take back what I've said, you can make jokes about fat people, since you're one of them ;)

  11. The revenge of the cat:

  12. My friend Sue said she doesn't know what all the fuss is about. Top Cat spent most of his life in a bin !

  13. So, there's fat and there's downright ugly. Lucky I'm so beautiful ;-)

    Matthias, I love it! Consider that nicked.

    Keith, that's a fair point.

  14. I hate this old bitch more than words can describe - if this isn't the behaviour of someone with some fairly serious social/psychological problems, I don't know what is.

    That said, whoever set up this spoof Twitter account is a genius and deserves some kind of prize:

    I love your blog by the way, most entertaining!


  15. Paul, how many other cats has she binned, I wonder? That Twitter page is hilarious, thanks!

  16. I'm not sure exactly, but judging by the way she appears to be happily demonstrating the specfic cat-hold she utilised for the binning (see Rosemary West/Evil Old C**t picture in your post) whilst smiling in a harmless, "jolly old dinner lady" manner, on national television, watched by scores of baying journalists, showing absolutely no sign of remorse or regret; I'd say there's a strong chance Lola is not her first victim.

    I'm just glad that out of all the bins that evil old shit could have been stood closest to at the exact moment of her "split second of misjudgement", it was the recycling bin. Lola could have had it much worse.

  17. Paul, bet she was picked on at school and now she won't pick on anything her own size. Try it on a Rottweiler you old slag!

  18. And I always thought cats go in the brown bin

  19. Gary, no, it's for dogshit. Isn't it?
