Tuesday 22 November 2011

Dark Side Of The Law


  1. I'm finding it impossible to have aany sympathy for these "protesters". They have collectively caused murders, rapes, assaults, health risks, public damage, sewage, and a shitload of cities have had to spend millions cleaning up the shit left from a bunch of self-absorbed asswipes. Those of us busting our asses have to pay for this fucking circus on top of a bunch of crap we already can't afford and our dumbfuck-in-chief supports this shit. Meanwhile, one group gets pepper-sprayed for ALLEGEDLY doing NOTHING (I'm quite certain they were asked to disperse before the spray was used) and there's a global hullabaloo. The protesters that were sprayed are still alive, so fuck 'em. I would have used a can of RAID. Boo fucking hoo.

  2. Raid!! LMAO, not sure if it kills pests that size. This cop has become an internet sensation.

  3. He's on administrative leave pending an investigation. Meanwhile, the rats continue to wreak havoc. I have seen the most incredible patience out of most of the cops that have to deal with these asswipes. People need to get over this "police brutality" crap.

    I DO appreciate the humour in this graphic, though, as a long time PF fan...

  4. Bunch of shitheads:


  5. You know what, it looks like a big fun festival. Punks & crusties. I like the idea of a crusty lifestyle, go live in an eco cavehouse and grow all my own food.

  6. I have no issue with a "fun Festival" but the Occupy idiots are wreaking havoc for hard-working people. Where's the fun for them?

    Ali is from Egypt, and he has been harmed by the Zuccotti Park commune’s very existence. He has an elaborate food cart at one end of Zuccotti Park. When I asked if the commune was giving him good business, he bitterly complained about his plight since the occupiers showed up. “They buy nothing! They all eat in the park. I had many good customers every day, but now they don’t come here.” I also spoke with the men at Charlie’s Pizza. They are also immigrants to America, and they were apoplectic when they described how Occupiers came in at all hours, stoned or drunk, demanding food for free, and even fighting with staff and customers. Other area businesses have had similar experiences.

    At a lower Manhattan community board meeting in October, residents also talked about how fed up they were:

    “They are defecating on our doorsteps,” fumed Catherine Hughes, a member of Community Board 1 and a stay at home mom who has the misfortune of living one block from the chaos. “A lot of people are very frustrated. A lot of people are concerned about the safety of our kids.”

    Fed up homeowners said that they’ve been subjected to insults and harassment as they trek to their jobs each morning. “The protesters taunt people who are on their way to work,” said James Fernandez, 51, whose apartment overlooks the park. - NY Post

    These asswipes need to be run out of town at bayonet point.

  7. If they are going to change anything, why not...but let's face it.

  8. Like, Peace and Love, Man

  9. Jim, taste the rainbow....blurrghghoohoohoocough!

  10. Erinyes is a moron. That is all.
