Thursday 12 November 2009

I Love This Painting

Vladimir Kush - "Sunrise by the Ocean"

"The egg symbolizes the rising Sun and the beginning of life. In many myths about the creation of the world, a cosmic egg is laid by a giant bird in a formless, ancient ocean. The egg splits into two and the sky and the earth appear from the halves of it, while the sun is seen in the yolk. You can see in the picture that the newborn Sun still hasn’t taken its final shape yet. Shreds of primary matter continue to stream from the burning sphere rising over the ocean. According to Polynesian myth, the Hawaiian Islands were born from such an egg."

I just liked the morning = eggs for breakfast connection.


  1. It looks like it may be a painting by Norman Parker ( (a blatant ripper-off of Salvador Dali but still great at what he does)

  2. That is really cool. I tried to find something about it on Google but I couldn't. :(

  3. DJ PIGG, thanks for checking for me. Had a gawk at Norman Parker but I don't think it's his, but I had fun looking.

    Jasmine, I wonder what google search would bring the painting up? Eggy in the sky with pylons?

  4. Ahhh I put in "egg sun painting" and found it right away :-)

  5. I was doing searches like that. I think I tried sun egg painting, egg sunset painting. I'm glad you found it!

  6. Jasmine now I've found it I'm not sure quite what to do with it :-)

  7. May be a rip off. . Agree is really inspirational and meaningful. . .love pics that expand the minds thoughts and imagination.

    Chazza xxx

  8. and don't forget, it's got an eggy peggy in it, Chazza :-) Yumyum

  9. A very interesting painting. I looked up the artist's website. I like some of his other stuff even better.

  10. Lynn, me too, he's got so much stuff.
