Wednesday 25 November 2009

A Monkey Partied Too Hard

Don't know if there's a story behind this one.


  1. I should, I suppose, try to leave the mystery intact. But someone else would be bound to pop the bubble, so here's the answer to the puking chimp, it's a sculpture by artist Tony Matelli, made in 2003, called "Ancient Echo"


    "Mixed media" - I expect that includes peas and carrots then.
    And who's to criticise. Those little guys, in an infinite number, clattering typewriters producing Shakespearian drama, all day, every day, are you surprised they party hard afterwards?

  2. Soubriquet, it never dawned on me the monkey wasn't real, I had imaginary incidents running through my mind of it being planesick after a business trip or drinking too many Jack Daniels. Ah well, I can pretend.

    Thanks for showing us the truth :-)

  3. chazza said: Lmfo at both your comments. Wonder how he was next day with that monkey of a hangover. . .;-p xxx

  4. The monkey just watched the dance video above. Blleeaacccuuugghh!!!

  5. Chazza, how did you know it was me? ;-)

    Anon, ah yes, it all makes sense :-)

  6. Hey-Hey, I'm a Monkey.26 November 2009 at 18:41

    Monkey here:
    Look, it's no fun puking your guts up after a weekend of righteous partying. Somehow I got separated from the rest of the guys and found myself in the terminal, well, I was looking for the monkey's room, when i started to feel, well, not too good, and before I knew it, I'd thrown my voice, called for hughie, had a technicolour yawn all over the magnoilia.
    Well this guy was helpful, "You all right, pal? Heave it up, mate, you'll feel better in a minute." But what about those bastards with cameras? And the heartless sods who post it all over the internet?
    Me poor old mum rang me, it had been on the jungle telegraph, echoing down the Ngoro'goro, within hours.
    I've lost my job, just as I was getting into the swing of being Shaksper, I'd got a great idea for Romeo and Juliet. Yeah. Infinite number of monkeys minus one.
    I suppose I'll have to try get a job in a call centre, they employ monkeys.
    Thank you so much, Miz Casey, thank you so very much. Have a feckin' banana.

  7. chazza said: anyone got change to put in the slot (see blokes butt. . .lol ) for a cuppa of PG ? ;-pXxx

  8. Monkey I'm too busy looking for my next laugh that I never took your feelings into consideration. Forgive me please!

    Chazza, Hah, you and your eye for detail :-)

  9. chazza said: lmfo. . .shame it escaped me the last 10 years with Istvanski :-p xxx
