Friday 25 April 2008

Canadiens vs Flyers


  1. ....L..
    That was great. I just stopped by to say hey! and see how your day was. Have a good one!!

  2. The good always win. Don't they???

  3. Kimberly my last 11 hours were spent pissing against the wind at work! hope your day was better!

    MM, I must be very bad then!

  4. hey Joanne,
    Have you ever had bloggers just be downright mean to you? I know I shouldn't care that they are but I'm sensitive about that stuff and I can't help but be a little hurt about it......Maybe it's because I am ill that I'm letting it bother me so much...... I don't know.

  5. Only once I can recall, Kimberly, I got a lot of abuse about a comment I left on a post with views against animal testing. I didn't get annoyed, their jibes just encouraged me to be as obnoxious as I could...Who has been annoying you?

  6. I'll have to email you on that one. I don't hate them nor wish to put their business out there. My email is
