Wednesday 6 January 2010

Nic Cage As Everyone


  1. chazza said: luv the Three Stooge one. . .really looks good, he could possibly carry off all the characters too.

    How you doing huni..? All Mitzys bubz been homed to good family homes. Mitzy only time will tell if she stays, she is a bit of a tnuring and socialite. . .

    Cant wait to find a way of downloading pics of kittys to my facebook to share with yea. . .wish i could just download straight from my phn. . .tc. . . Xxx

  2. Chazza, Kitties oh they do make us worry, worse than children!

    The snow is what's getting on my wick at the moment, gonna need a tractor with monster wheels on if it gets any worse.

    I've never sent pics straight to internet from phone, hmmmm, not sure, anyone technical in the house?

  3. chazza: NO :-((. . .unfortunately. Xxx
