Tuesday 12 January 2010

Sharp Nails


  1. Those would be more useful in trapping lint than anything.

  2. Jasmine, I'm not all that up to date with young 'uns slang, but sick means good, doesn't it? ;-)

    Ben, not the best for scratching delicate areas with...

  3. Oh Joanne, I meant ANYTHING but good. :) Grossss.

  4. chazza said: A new meaning to 'rake my back please. . . 'eek painful xx

  5. So Jasmine, you wouldn't allow the owner to make you a sandwich then? Think of all the crunchy bits.

    Chazza, good for taking dead skin off your feet but other than that, disaster.

  6. Planning on getting into silk-weaving?

  7. Looks more like Blinky, Inky, Pinky, and Clyde...

  8. Some silk workers in China used to file notches like these into their fingernails, using their nails like combs to straighten & gather together the silk fibers.

  9. Oh lord, what if you're eye begins to itch?!!!!

  10. It would be fantastic to have a back scratch from those nails.

  11. Looks like a sure cure for nose-picking.

  12. I have actually seen pictures of something a little less extreme on a mans hand from china that specialized in hand silk weaving. He would use the notches in his nails to separate the fine threads to weave very intricate patterns in the silk.

  13. Anon (19th Jan) yes they call this person the human loom!

    Anon (00:34) Haha! I like your style...where's Pac-Man?

    Sommelier, it would be handy for work but everything else must be ouch.

    Philboyd Studge...good for picking out the eye snots *vomit*

    Sof, you're a lot braver than me, gulp...

    Carlb, it's guaranteed you'll be cured in less than a day.

    Anon (13:58) a painstaking job I'm sure. Visited a rug-making factory in Turkey last year, some of them take years to finish.

  14. I cut them like that a week ago. It's really cool and I like them but It's harder to do stuff that usually acquire the use of nails. Like UNtying your shoes or, scratching your head! yeah...

  15. ...and putting in contact lens is probably not all that much fun either :-)

  16. it looks good, my sister is a manicurist. It is amazing what she can do with the nails. I didn't know but now. It is popular to do a draw in only one nail per hand.

  17. how do make them like that because i want mine like that

  18. Serrating your nails is a terrible idea! One split and it will run right up the nail, then you'll know pain.

    I sharpen my thumbnail to a point to open taped boxes at work, but serrating is asking for trouble...

    1. not to mention if you forget and scratch somewhere where the sun don't shine
